Nurture 2013 Part 1

As part of Nurture 2013 I am writing 12 things which have gone well this year. Here goes:

1. So firstly, this year was better than 2011! I know that that is a huge one to start with but honestly its the truth. 2011 as a year was awful: my parents moved away having split up the previous year, my relationship almost fell apart and my life was in pieces. This year hasn't by any means been easy but its been better and I'm eternally grateful for that.

2. I got a house :D This is obviously a huge thing. Off the back of problems in 2011 me and my OH worked hard at our relationship and this year bought a house together. Its currently in the stages of renovation but we're enjoying getting to build a life together and decide what our house will eventually look like (although its more like a bombsite at the moment).

3. I made one of the best friends I could ever ask for. He is constantly there to support me, make me laugh and listen to my rants; if you're ever privelaged to hear me rant you'll know this is no small thing!. He'd hate it if he knew that he was on here but I can't truthfully write a list of whats gone well this year without mentioning him so here he is!

4. A list of what went well cannot be written without mention of my career! I could split this into three things but its a continuous process so its going in one: 2012 was the year I graduated from my undergraduate degree, started my PGCE year and (by a few days) got a job for 2013! I am still amazed that any of this happened; it has been my dream for a long time to be a teacher but I didn't think I would get onto a PGCE course with my degree (a miserable 2:2), let alone one a the University of Oxford, and I never thought I would get a job in my small subject on a small island in the English Channel. But I did, and yay for that!

5. Twitter. I can't write a blog for a hashtag without mentioning it: its become a huge part of my life and the people that I meet on twitter amaze me every day. You're all brilliant and I love you all.

6. Ok, enough mush. Number 6: living in Oxford. Its kinda part of number 4 but as a result of getting into the University of Oxford I get to live in a stunning place. Yes its posh, I feel like I don't exactly fit in walking around in surf gear and with my 2:2. But its an amazing place to live: there is so much to see and do I don't know how I'll fit it into a year, but I'm determined too. My bod card only gets me in free to places while I'm there ;)

7. Running, again, is a huge part of my life and one that started in 2012. It was never my forte in school, I was awful, but faced with a summer with no routine and no guarantee of a course in September, I made the decision in April to fork out some money, buy some running shoes and start. I honestly have not looked back. In October this year I ran the Great South Run 10 miles in 1 hour 58 minutes. Not the fastest run ever BUT I did it! And 2013 brings the London Marathon...but more on that later...

8. This is getting harder has always been a massive part of my life and in 2012 I had the opportunity to see Runrig and Feeder for the first time ever (both amazing), and to see Switchfoot for the second time. I also got to meet Switchfoot backstage and they're awesome guys who are so down to earth. It was a real highlight for me.

9. I did a lot of travelling this year: Iceland in January where I caught a glimpse of the Northern Lights (I am definitely going back there someday), Rome in the Summer which, despite some issues with lost luggage, was a brilliant holiday, the Isle of Skye for a friend's wedding, Penrith a week later for another friend's wedding, various places for family weddings (yes, a lot of weddings this year), and the Wye Valley in the summer again. All lovely places and memories to be valued.

10. This is kind of a cheat one as its not unique to 2012, but living on the Isle of Wight is something I am eternally grateful for. I did not want to move here in 2001 when my dad got a job here; mostly because it meant leaving a load of friends behind, but you know what? I couldn't be happier; I have the best friends, a partner who I love very much and miles and miles of beach. Brilliant!

11. Church is something else that is eternally part of my life (and death!), and is something that a lot of people may not realise is so huge to me. I try my best not to shove it down peoples' throats and know a lot of people don't appreciate such things on Twitter, but church is something that takes a lot of my time, and is something that I am very grateful for. I enjoy the community that extends from churches and obviously, there is a deeper meaning to church in that it helps develop my relationship with God. What better thing to be grateful for?

12. The last thing is slightly better sweet in as much as I should be out participating at this moment. Kayaking is not the most natural sport for me to be part of. I hate wind/hair/water etc. in my face, and I am scared of waves and boats rocking. But I have stuck with it, and if I say so myself, have got pretty good. 2012 has seen me gain a lot of confidence with my kayaking and I am about as confident as I am able which is a good balance. Bridges are still rather scary!

So there it is, my list of what has gone well this year! What a list! Part 2 to come...


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