Educational research

I realised yesterday night whilst lying exhausted and close to sleep having stayed up finishing my last assignment that I had missed a huge thing off my Nurture 2013 blog. I want to get into educational research! I know the list is full of things, and you may think that I can't possibly have the time to add anything else into my year, but this is something I have had so much passion for since I started to find a topic for the assignment which, ironically enough, was what was causing me to be lying exhausted, thinking about this blog post.

My original plan for my assignment was to study the 'perfect' classroom design for pupils with autism: I would look at architecture, seating plans, timetable design, wall displays, lighting, projector use etc. and combine current research in each area to make one, useable idea. Unfortunately, the university did not agree.
Apparently there is not enough current research to make this a viable option.

Now a quick look on google scholar shows that there is plenty of research on this area and that I would have no problem completing the 5000 word assignment, however, I decided that I would have bigger battles over the course of the year and dutifully changed my title.

But I didn't give up on this idea, instead, the spark that had been lit has been burning away inside me, getting bigger and turning into a raging furnace that needs to addressed. This paper needs to be written. And so, on top of training for and running a marathon, doing a triathalon, writing a book, completing my PGCE year, starting my job, renovating a house and taking up mountain biking. 2013 is going to see me buried in paperwork as I write an essay on autism and classroom design.

Watch this space!


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