An ever increasing list

In true PGCE intern style, my to-do list is growing faster than I can cross items off (and yet I still seem to have found time to write this blog I hear you say, well yes, I am the master of procrastination). The other, serious answer to why I am writing to complain that I don't have enough time is that I have just marked 70 year 7 projects on Hinduism, and if I don't do something else I will go insane.

So I have written some cheques, done a bit of art to relax me, planned a year 11 activity for a lesson on Euthanasia and realised that I need to pack my lunch for tomorrow, and out of all those things, it is the last that has defeated me. I give up, every time I cross something off a hundred new things get added; people want to see me (indeed, I want to see them too), I have bits to pick up from the city centre that a friend dropped off for me when I was out at work, a holiday to organise, a marathon to train for, a marathon to raise money for (please sponsor me:, food to cook, an assignment to research, plan lessons for an evaluate, normal lessons to plan, training to attend, lessons to teach, marking to do and a million other things. I am sure there are not enough hours in the day.

Anyway, enough of the rant. The point is: this week is hugely busy, busier than I have ever been before, and the worst part is: I'm sure this isn't as bad as it will get. But I will get through: teaching is my life!


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