Nurture 2013 Part 2

Time for the hopes for 2013:

1. The house: building on what went well for 2012 we will be looking to get the house liveable this year and hopefully move in. A very big step!

2. One that was on my list for last year and whilst it got better I didn't complete it: I want to get over my fear of waves: it is a completely irrational fear; I am completely able to swim and more importantly to not capsize my kayak, yet I'm still scared of diddy waves. I have got better but this year I'm determined to kick the fear!

3. A professional development one now, I want to attend a TeachMeet and get to know other teachers and improve my pedagogy and knowledge. All in all I want to be a better teacher than I am now.

4.  As mentioned in part 1 I am attempting a marathon this year. One hope is therefore that I complete it! Easy...

5. I had an idea for a book a short while before Christmas, I hope that in 2013 I will find time to get the first 3 chapters written. I would love to be able to say that I have written a book.

6. In addition to hope #3 I really want to continue my running past the marathon in April. Even if I never complete another a marathon (although hopefully I will) I want to keep running 15 miles or so a week as a time to clear my head and stretch those muscles.

7. I'm hoping to improve my diet this year. My diet at uni is awful and I eat way too much chocolate, I hope this year that moving back to the island will mean that I can get my diet under control and healthy.

8. One my parents will be pleased with: I started a Revell model of HMS Victory about 7 years ago, got most of the way and never completed this. I am determined that 2013 will be the year I complete it!

9. I really hope for this year that I complete my PGCE to M-Level so that I can get a Masters in Education later on with the credits. I am working exceptionally and it should be in my grasp but we will see.

10. I would quite like to complete a triathlon over the summer, but we shall see. I may be piling too much on my plate as it is!

11.  I hope this year overall that I remain happy with my life; very few of these hopes are for things that are causing my unhappiness, they really are a list of things I wish to achieve, so my main hope is that I am just as happy with my life a year from now.

12. I would like to have time to carry on reading and enjoying it. I often neglect this love of mine, I would like to dedicate more time to it this year.

13. Lastly, I would love in all the spare time I don't have to take up mountain biking this year. Watch this space...


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