Ok, so first things first I have to admit that this is not an original idea. I stole it from a lovely lady who goes by the username of @rlj1981 and all credit for it goes to her :)

The idea is, you do a list of things that you love about yourself that is a long in number as you are in years, so here goes; 23 things I love about me:

1. I'm a really friendly person: I will talk to anyone and everyone and can generally find something I have in common with them. This had its downsides as a child for my parents but I love this fact about myself.

2. I want to try everything that life offers, be it riding a motorbike (yet to do), running a 10 mile race (done) or learning a foreign language (started), everything appeals to me and I want to get the most out of this life that I can!

3. I always have time for my friends. If it is in my power I will see them, answer the phone in the middle of the night, help them through their problems: my friends are the most important thing in my life to me and I like that they are that its that way.

4. I am hugely passionate about my job. I love teaching and spend hours reading articles and resources to make myself a better teacher. I want to share this passion with my students and its definitely worth the hours I put in.

5. A less deep one but I love my style, how I dress reflects who I am and I love that its my style and no one elses. I'm not alternative by any means, but I have always worn what I wanted and not worried if its not the correct label. This is something I love about me.

6. Linked in with number 1, I love that I can talk about most things, especially since meeting my boyfriend and our joint best friend. They both constantly teach me new things and it means I know something about most things. I really love this.

7. I'm musical and can get a tune out of most instruments. I regularly play guitar and clarinet: this is cool.

8. I don't take myself too seriously. Anyone who knows me knows that I give as good as I get (in a friendly way; I'm often a wuss in arguments) and a lot of my real life relationships are based around taking the micky out of each other. I like that I can laugh about myself and the idiotic things I do: I know a lot of people can't.

9. I hardly ever wear make-up: this is a weird one but one I have become oddly proud of. I am comfortable enough in my own skin not to worry about make up and I love this (although I still wear it for special occasions)

10. I'm a good listener. Now I wouldn't necessarily claim I was but it is something that I am told repeatedly and its something I am proud of when I am told this. I love that people come to me just to get things off their chest even if I can't help them with their problem.

11. I have mastered the art of being calm; unless you are one of about 4 people in my life you will never see me get angry or frustrated. Of course if you are one of those 4 people...sorry!

12. I can have really serious conversations about the weirdest and most abstract topics: and frequently do. I often make myself laugh with conversations I get into: what would happen if you woke up and your hands were slippers being my current favourite ever!

13. If I am unhappy with something I will change it! No ifs, so buts. It will change!

14. I am actually really organised. Not only do I organise my own life, I also organise/have a large part in organising two other people's (not as young as you want them to be) lives, and often have to sort out certain family members who get in a bit of twist with their scheduling! I love that I can organise myself so efficiently.

15. I love reading and read as much as I can. I'm also a really speedy reader; reading about 100 pages an hour. This is really helpful for essays!

16. My parents and boyfriend are proud of me. I am constantly so pleased that I have made them proud and done well in my life when at a time I almost went down a very different route!

17. I am generally able to fix computers/cars/mechanical things. This skill has taken a while to acquire but thanks to my awesome boyfriend and my best friend, I now have a fairly good working knowledge of such things and can fix most problems that I encounter.

18. I am a generally positive person: again, I perhaps didn't used to be, but I have worked on this and now am generally positive. Apart from Tuesdays after 12:05 (that class....)

19. This is totally cheating but I love that I can name 18 things that I love about myself without trying too hard.

20. I can fall asleep pretty much when I want. I know loads of people can't get to sleep when they want to on weekdays but as long as I get 9 hours (I know, you all hate me) then I can go to sleep whenever; be it 8 30 or 12 30. This is awesome!

21. I'm really involved with the church. I love my Christian family and the friends I have made through my local church movements are truly amazing. I love spending time with them and running events.

22. I have never been drunk or smoked a cigarette or done drugs. I am fairly proud of the fact that I have done none of these things. And before you ask, I do drink, and I have been a bit tipsy, but never drunk.

23. This one is really weird but has just popped into my mind so it can be number 23. I have never been to Ikea, and have no plans to ever change this. I am oddly proud of this and I love that it makes me fairly unique!

So there we go, 23 things that I love about me! Your turn!


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