Out of my Comfort Zone 1: Uganda Week 1

I have been quiet for a few weeks as I have been travelling the south west of Uganda. In keeping with my new series on modelling a growth mindset I am updating you all on what I did while I was out there. Africa is such a different culture and Uganda is a country of high contrast between rich and poor, it was definitely out of my comfort zone but I had an amazing time! Updates coming a week at a time due to the number of photos!

Monday 6th August

The team arrived safely and had a lovely dinner of 'greens' (mixed green vegetables), squash, Irish potatoes (normal ones), curried chicken and rice. Everyone is well rested and we are now preparing to travel to Ssanje in Rakai district.

Tuesday 7th August

Yesterday the group passed through the equator and did some souvenir shopping.
When they arrived at the Spiritual Life Centre in Kibaale Ssanje around 6pm they had a 'Rolex' for dinner; a Spanish omelette wrapped in a chipatti.
This morning they visited Samuel Muhumuzas school and taught them craft and gave some gifts, Jon blew some bubbles too! There have been plenty of cuddles and high fives as well.
The group is now at a church in Kyotera where they will be for the rest of the day.

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing, outdoor and nature
Image may contain: 11 people, people smiling, people standing, crowd, outdoor and food

Wednesday 8th/Thursday 9th August

Yesterday I preached at two consecutive church services in Kyotera at the most Ugandan named 'Jesus can still save' ministries.
Today the group went down to the Tanzanian border and saw the church of Pastor Frank. They also saw traditional fishing on the shores of lake Victoria and visited one of the mass graves from the Rwandan genocide. The team found it very moving.
They are now back at SLC and will be heading to Mbarara tomorrow.
Photos of lake Victoria and the Mass grave.

Image may contain: one or more people, sky, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, tree, plant, grass, outdoor and nature

Friday 10th August
Today the team travelled to Mbarara and met Richard Tusiime for lunch at Palm World Hotel.

Saturday 11th August
Today the group travelled to Ruti church (see video) to encourage the local leaders. After this they ate with Richard and his family: Faith his wife and his children Timothy (Timo), Treasure, and little Philemon.
Then the team went to visit Nyamyaga spiritual life centre in anticipation of Stuart preaching there tomorrow.


Sunday 12th August
Today the group preached at local churches with Jon, Phoebe and Liz at Ruti church where Jon preached. Rachel Amy, Stuart and Judy went to Nyamyaga SLC where Stuart preached. Both services were good and even stayed on time!
From there the group travelled to the Queen Elizabeth national park, travelling through the tea plantations and along the edge of the rift valley.
In the park itself which is in the rift valley the group saw elephants, baboons, warthog, buffalo, and many types of antelope. They are now in the restaurant before a day in the park tomorrow.

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing

Image may contain: 1 person, standing and indoor

Image may contain: sky, cloud, tree, ocean, outdoor, nature and water

Monday 12th August

There is a lovely photo of the sunrise over the "channel" between Lake Edward and Lake George taken this morning - what a way to start the day!
Today the team have spent the morning on a game drive with a guide and have seen lions, elephants, baboons, warthog, buffalo, and many types of antelope.
After this they had lunch overlooking the river and a herd of elephants! A rare luxury in our time away.
This afternoon they went for a boat trip and got so close to the animals like elephant, hippos and pelicans. There were also otters but they were a bit quick to photograph.
When they arrived at the next hotel in Kasese they took over the reception ever so slightly (see attached photo)

Image may contain: sky, ocean, cloud, twilight, outdoor, nature and water

Image may contain: outdoor and nature

Image may contain: outdoor, nature and water

Image may contain: bird, outdoor, nature and water

Image may contain: outdoor, nature and water

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people sitting and indoor


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