Out of my Comfort Zone: Uganda week 3

Monday 20th August

Today the team travelled to Martin Sendagi which took around 4 hours. They had lunch after a particularly heavy rainstorm, there was so much rain it obscured the view.
In the afternoon some of the team stayed at the house that was rented for them to rest and recuperated while some members went to the church to give teaching to the families there.

Image may contain: indoor

Tuesday 21st August

The rain has been heavy all day today with a lot of thunder , please pray for Jon who is driving on roads that really need a 4 wheel drive!
The team today have been split between various projects run by Martin: Judy and Phoebe have been with the local children telling bible stories, Jon with the local pastors giving teaching on student leadership and the rest with the school children who finished their a levels this morning!
Unfortunately rain had hampered the ability to take any photos as Ugandan architecture is not renowned for its weatherproofing!

Wednesday 22nd August

After the car got stuck in the mud yesterday the group travelled from Kyanwanzi to Kampala today ahead of their flight tomorrow.
They stopped with Patrick on route and Jon gave a short message of encouragement to the church who accompanied the worship on Ugandan harps, unfortunately the wifi wasn't good enough to send across a photo.
The team were also fed a lovely meal for which they were very grateful.

Thursday 23rd August

This morning the team received several visitors at Whitecrest including Martin and Gertrude, Deus and Samuel.
The team were able to conduct their final bussiness before heading to the local shopping centre for some last minute tourist shopping.
The group were also very excited to see a troupe of monkeys arrive at the house as they hadn't seen any during the trip.
They are now at the airport at the gate and their flight should leave in an hour.
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Friday 24th August

And we're all safely back in the UK with all our respective luggage! 25 hours of travelling so far and most of us have had a couple of hours sleep in the last 35 hours (we last woke up at 5am Thursday GMT). We all also face at least 2 more hours of travel...

Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling, glasses


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