Applying the topic of Growth Mindset to my own personal life (Out of my comfort zone)

As many of you know (and if you didn't you can read about it here and in following posts), I completed my masters dissertation on the topic of growth mindset defined by Dweck as "the belief an individual holds that their intelligence develops over time" (Dweck 2010). In particular my research has focused on the premise that students with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) are less likely to be of a growth mindset than their non-SEND peers.

Throughout my research I have learnt a lot about mindset; its causes, benefits and prevalence yet I came to the realisation that I have put little of what I have learnt into practice in my own life. I am someone who firmly believes that my abilities and indeed intelligence, develops as I attempt and practice new skills, yet I, as is the case with many of us, have fallen into an easy and repetitive routine in my adult life that rarely causes me to leave my comfort zone. This realisation came into being around the same time that Dr Lucy Rogers began the #outofcomfortzone hashtag as she sought to attempt tasks and activities that she would not normally approach in her everyday life. For me, this led to the insight that living outside ones comfort zone is a comprehensive example of what growth mindset means. For growth mindset is inherently the belief that one can improve, whether it be in academic ability, intelligence, or talent, and how can one improve unless one is willing to attempt things that stretch and challenge them? And where is challenge if it is not out of your comfort zone?

This all inspired me to join Lucy's challenge, and try things outside my comfort zone. I decided that the easiest way to compile a list of things that were outside my comfort zone was to open it to the public, and boy did you guys respond! A whole range of things were suggested and I liked and noted down every single one. I sorted them into how much preparation they needed and whether they needed any money, and then I started working through the list!

So here it is; the list of things for me to try:

Need planning


Axe throwing


TED talk -


Can do now


Start a meetup

Learn to juggle

Make a plush toy

Write Slaanesh slashfic

Paint an abstract visualisation of your week

Make wine gums from favourite alcohol

Enter a baking competition


Needs money

Rock climbing


Wood carving -

Scuba Diving

Needs research

Escape room


Shakespeare in the park

Rowing boat

Volunteer with those in need

As you can see, I have already ticked one item off the list and that will be the topic of my next blog post, but for now, I would love to see some of you join us in creating your own #outofcomfortzone list and experiencing the benefits of a growth mindset for yourselves!

Do tag your tweets and/or blogs about your try, I would love to see how you're getting on!


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