#Nurture 1314

Nurture 2013 was a great help with organising my life and making 2013 a successful year, and with 2014 almost upon us it is a good time to do a check on my Nurture 13 goals and then do my Nurture 1314 post.

I was fairly successful with Nurture 2013; I moved into the house, I got over my fear of waves to a large extent, attended several TeachMeets, improved my diet, got my PGCE, have been fairly happy with my life and have done a lot more reading, I've also kept up with the running.

The things I didn't manage were: London Marathon; unfortunately I got injured two weeks before this, but am running in 2014, I didn't manage to write much of my book; considering I had the idea for it this time last year I'm quite disappointed in this, I didn't complete a triathlon but its on the list for next year as is learning to mountain bike; I made a start on this but should have done more. I also need to complete my model of HMS Victory still.

Having said that there are plenty of things I am happy with from this last year. So here I will list the 13 that come to my head first:

1. Made lots of new friends. Moving back to the island meant meeting a lot of new people who I hadn't met before, which meant new friends. Yay!
2. Became closer to my current friends. Being home made my friendships stronger and meant I was more involved in my friends lives. This has made us much closer which I love.
3. Moved home. This obviously allows numbers 1 and 2. Considering I haven't lived full time on the Isle of Wight for 4 years and have never lived alone with my partner this is a big thing and I'm really enjoying the independence.
4. Baked more. I have enjoyed baking and having my own kitchen to bake in. Also my friends love my cakes which in turn makes me want to bake more.
5. Went on holiday with friends for first time. I have been with my other half since I was 16, so holidays went straight from being with family to being with him. However, we share the same best friend so this year we all went on holiday and it was brill.
6. Got a job. I was worried about this one, seeing as the island is a small geographical area and the subject of RS is one that lends to small departments, but I got a job and got to expand into teaching English. I love my school and am really enjoying my job.
7. Got fitter. The running, and going out walking dogs etc. has made me much fitter. This has a tonne of benefits and I am happy that I am fitter now than I was in 2012.
8. Found a work-life balance. Part of working in a small school is the fact that my classes are smaller and therefore my workload is less. This means that my work-life balance has been easier to find than for a lot of teachers.
9.Went to a lot of music events. I got to see the Isle of Wight festival, Runrig and some other bands. I love my music and enjoyed having the chance to go to various events.
10. Attended Momentum. This is the more grown up version of an event that I've been attended for years. It was chilled out and I went with a whole bunch of friends which was great.
11. Took on new challenges: kayaked the solent as support for Swim the Solent (Samaritans), ran further than I'd run before (20 miles), led a Netball team at work (very proud of them).
12. Taught English; I dropped this as quickly as I could so teaching it and doing well at it is a big achievement.
13. Supported a lot of friends and in turn they supported me. My friends have had some tough times this year and so have I; to have friends to support and who support me is a huge blessing in my life.

So, what do I want to achieve this year? The first 5 are leftovers from last year so require no explanation...

1. Complete the London Marathon 2014
2. Write 3 chapters of my book
3. Complete my model of HMS Victory still.
4. Do that Triathlon!
5. Continue to learn to mountain bike
6. Play my guitar and clarinet plenty. I like playing them; they calm me and I enjoy improving at them. I want to keep this up in 2014
7. Get out running at least twice a week. This is not only a must for marathon and triathlon training but also for my mental wellbeing. I need to get out to destress.
8. Read, at least a book a month. This should be easy as I read quickly
9. Find a balance between my friends and my partner; I love my friends and love hanging out with them, I also love my partner: the balance has a tendency to always be too far one way or the other.
10. Leave the stress of work at work. I don't mind working at home and I love my work, but if I have a rough day, and the students have misbehaved I often take the stress home with me; I'm hoping getting out running more will help with this.
11. Value my sleep. I did this brilliantly on my PGCE but on my NQT year I keep thinking I can do without sleep, I can't, this is just a fact I need to learn to accept again. Sleep must be prioritised.
12. Make a skirt, and hopefully some more clothing. I just want to be a bit more craft minded this year; I love it and it's relaxing. I should do this more.
13. I want to get better at keeping in touch with my family: I love them but I am a very independent person and just useless at keeping in contact. I want to keep in touch with them more and get to know them better.
14. Continue to improve my diet. It is tonnes better but I still drink too much sweet stuff and eat too much rubbish, I want to continue to improve this.

I'm also looking forward to Runrig with my friend's family, booking holidays, going to more events and the regular pay that enables these things!


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