Nurture 2013 update

Taking the lead from @rlj1981 again, I thought it was high time I did an update on my Nurture 2013 aims so here goes:

1. The house: the aim with this one was to get it liveable by the end of the year, well my OH moved in at Easter and I joined him when I finished my PGCE in July so a big tick on this one!

2. My fear of waves, or more to the point, getting over it. Now this one is tricky to measure; how does one measure a fear? But I feel I have almost cracked it. I provided part of the kayak support for the Samaritan Swim the Solent this year and on the way over the waves were huuuge. That is, crashing over my head huge, and I did it. I mean, I panicked a bit but I got through and made it back with a swimmer. More than I ever hoped to achieve :D

3. I wanted to attend a TeachMeet. Quite simply this is a tick, I attended TeachMeet BETT earlier this year and am signed up for TMPompey in September. Yay!

4.  Attempt the London Marathon. Unfortunately this one didn't go quite to plan; I was all set to run it when I injured my foot 2 weeks before and had to defer. All set for 2014 though...

5. Write the first 3 chapters of a book. Well...I have one passage its a start. If I put effort in now then three chapters by the end of the year should be doable :)

6. I really wanted to continue my running past the marathon in April. Well this I have achieved, I may not go as regularly as I used to but I'm keeping it up and trying hard to improve my mileage :)

7. My diet: no not a diet to lose weight, just eating less rubbish really. I am doing better with this one; I eat less rubbish but it is by no means good be continued...

8. Complete my model of HMS Victory: yeah, ermmm...need to work on this one.

9. Get my PGCE at Masters level. I was very worried about this one but I somehow pulled it off! Hopefully soon I will be working towards that Masters in Learning and Teaching.

10. Complete a Triathlon. This hasn't worked; I ran out of time in my life to train at 3 sports in time for summer but I am now training hard for this so 2014 should be the one.

11.  Being happy with my life: this is a hard one, like us all I'm not always happy with my life, but overall when I look at it, yes I am pleased so tick!

12. Do more reading: well, since July I have read 3 volumes of Game of Thrones, 3 Lost Fleet books and 8 other books. Think I'm doing ok here ;)

13. Start mountain biking: I made a start on this last week on holiday but we shall see...

Overall I have already completed 7/13 and started another 4. That leaves two to start. Not bad...


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