Slow week

I've had one of those weird weeks this week where I have been remarkably calm and not had _too_much to do. I know; don't jinx it, but I think its one of those weeks that comes around every now and then on the heels of the week where you were about to have a break down.

Don't get me wrong, it was still a busy week: I had two serious incidents in one afternoon (laser pens and homophobic comments) and a normally good class basically resorted to shouting to communicate with each other on Tuesday, but the workload that normally looms over me like a vulture suddenly seemed instead to be like an eagle; soaring graciously throughout my week.

Part of this could be the fact that I managed to actually have some time off both weekends, and the fact that due to a funeral, I only had a 4 day week this week. But still...that week was needed. Teachers are still human and cannot physically carry on working 60, 70 or even 80 hour weeks for a prolonged period of time without a week where things go right.

With only 10 teaching weeks left of my PGCE it feels very much like I can do this job. Sure I have horrendous struggles with workload; lack of time, stress and difficult children. But when the good weeks come, and they do come, the job is 100% worthwhile and I wouldn't switch it for the world.


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